Living For Everything

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A Safe Space

Imagine moving, planning to start a new adventure, move to a new state, new job, new home…All the fun adventures and change! You get to your newest destination, unload the uhaul, get the kids in the new house and try to start unpacking, but then within weeks things don’t go as planned. Your youngest, sweet baby starts to not feel well and before you know it, he is diagnosed with cancer…a very aggressive one. Yes, that is how fast cancer happens. Fast and sometimes furious. No warning or a heads up. And it def doesn’t care about your plans or future.

If you have followed my blog since my daughters diagnosis, then you have seen and read about sweet Finn’s journey. A 3 year old who has battled Rhabdomysarcoma and relapsed for the 3rd time this month. Our cancer family hearts have felt heavy about this news. I have grown to love his sweet mama and am grateful to have had her through one of the hardest chapters of life. A shoulder to cry own, to confide in and celebrate our babies victories through this cancer journey. When I heard the news that Finn would be coming home on hospice care I knew I needed to think outside the box for what they would need when coming home. Since moving here they haven't been able to fully commit to their home because hospital life has consumed their time and energy.

Brandilee and Dan have given their all to their children’s needs. One battling cancer another with Cerebral Palsy and another that just needs mama and dads love. They have been pulled in a thousand directions and have handled it with grace, positivity, and lots of faith. Our Non-Profit decided to love on the parents and give them a new master bedroom. A safe place to unwind, get a little quiet time and have the fluffiest most comfy bed after all those long hospital stays. My whole heart went into the project and I’m thankful for my amazing team of friends & husband I didn’t even ask to show up, they just did for me, for branilee and Dan and for my non profit. Blessed! I can promise you, you don’t fully know what joy is until you stop and give your time and help others. I truly believe that’s why we are here on earth, to serve others. That simple.