Living For Everything

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Bittersweet Thankfulness

Yesterday details meant everything to me. The smells, sounds, all the yummy foods we were preparing and how my little girl looked and felt. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade was blaring and Arlie was mesmerized by all the fun chaos. Squealing, yelling "look mommy!" I was just as excited as she was, too! In between commercial breaks she would come and help us cook and mix. I reflected on our last thanksgiving and what I was thankful for then. If I would've known how different life would be a year later, maybe I would've been more thankful. Worried less about how how clean and perfect my house was for our company, lived in the moment more and really understood what thankfulness really was! I thought a lot about what I'm thankful for and wanted to share.

  • Remission. Arlie got the big news that she was in remission on her birthday(July 22) and it will forever be THE BEST news we will ever receive! 

  • Our Health. It's so important, if not the most important thing! Loving ourselves and taking care of our bodies is just so much now. God gave us these amazing lives and bodies. Take care of them, nourish and love them!

  • Uneventful Days. I've grown to love these kind of days. Nowhere to be, no rushing around and uneventful days means everything is going smooth and nothing bad has happened! 

  • My Home. It's our safe place. I feel protected and at peace here. All the memories and emotions this house holds means so much to us. I'm in no rush to leave this place!

  • My Messy Heart. I've never felt more emotions than I have the past 6 months. I'm sometimes hard on myself for "feeling too much" sometimes, but is there such a thing when life gives you something so tough? I'm thankful for the messiness and my hot mess days. It's the process of healing. 

  • Our Tribe. What would we do without our people. They support and love us. Cheer us on and encourage us. They listen. When you are at your worst it's ok, they are still right there. My people are my people, forever and always. 

  • Spirituality. On my hardest days I have this to cling to. There have been answered prayers CONTINUOUSLY. I've never prayed more than I have the past 6 months. He's always with us, through everything. 

Although I would've loved being with family and friends, being social and do all the things I'm used to doing every year, this thanksgiving was amazing. It was beautiful and yummy. We are focused on getting our girl healthy, and if that means sacrificing things that we love, so be it!

Snapped some memories of Thanksgiving 2016!